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A book? Who reads those anymore right?!

This book isn’t for a school book report, or the chaotic news in today’s world, it’s one with much more power…


Okay now your probably wondering where i’m going with this.. July 29, 2020.. the day I got accepted onto the race..also the last day I have genuinely opened my Bible or devotion. EEK that is incredibly disheartening and quite embarrassing. I contemplated on whether or not I was going to post this, but as I prayed before hand on asking the Lord to give me the words He wanted me to share, I want this to be a real, a transparent, a genuine blog.. So many think of “long term missionaries” as this perfect Christian BUT that is the least bit true! Although yes as the Lord’s disciples we strive daily to be more holy like Him, but man do we mess up DAILY!! So i’m guessing you’re probably wondering why I haven’t opened by Bible in months yet i’m fundraising for such a God given opportunity..?

My devotion, My Bible those were the books I took everywhere, I opened them daily and interacted with them in a deep way, that was me and the Lord’s way of daily communication along with prayer and worship, but these books carried an extreme weight in my emotions as well, they carry stories of my spiritual walk, memories with mentors, memories of tears, some of exhaustion, some from joy, they were heavy, not in physical weight but metaphorically speaking these books meant the world to me. So strange I don’t open them right, they have so much power and stories why not continue it.. the simple honest answer is..I was selfish..

Yes, iv’e continued to worship, attend church, listen to sermons and podcast, but yet I couldn’t pull it together to open my own devotion.. The last time I had truly opened it was this past summer but after some traumatic and disheartening experiences during the summer, I did grow from those moments, but yet I was too selfish to ask the Lord to help me leave those memories with the book behind and continue to use it to make new memories of growth, I didn’t want that, I wanted to keep them in my drawer to block the moments and hide them so I wouldn’t have to relive them. But tonight after dinner with an incredible friend and mentor (shout out Kristin), I’m learning to move forward, to trust, and to just lean deeper into the Lord for the unknowns. I’m marking tonight as the day I don’t let old memories hold me back anymore, the day I open that drawer, open those books, and be still and listen to what the Lord has to tell me. All of that to be said, I would have never guessed the amount the Lord would teach me and change so many perspectives on my life just by opening those books, so here’s your reminder.. GO OPEN THAT BIBLE AND DEVO!!!!!!!


  1. WOW mads! your honesty & transparency is so encouraging and I really appreciate your boldness in posting this! Love your heart so much & miss you lots!